Monday, April 16, 2012

Expander Results: Hole In My Teeth

Im finally getting used to my expander! My speech is improving dramatically everyday and also getting food thats stuck is a breeze. Brushing my teeth have never been a problem which is nice, but now something is starting to become more noticeable...a hole between my front teeth. Above is a picture of what it looks like. Now when this happens, you should be happy to know your expander is working. Don't be alarmed! The hole will gradually get larger to an extent, but your teeth will grow back together again nicely. If your not seeing this result than their two possibilities why its not working:

  1. You are not properly turning the hole with your key. Make sure you push it back as far as it can go into your mouth and don't bring it forward when you take the key out. 
  2. Make sure you are turning the key twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. Don't Forget!
Take some advil or pain-killers if your teeth are bothering you and look at the bright side...You can now squirt water out of your two front teeth! :)

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